Guide to the best free online material (by topic) to learn Dutch

If you are looking to learn Dutch on your own β€” beginning with all the basic grammar topics, then you need a framework for what to learn, and in roughly what order.Β 

I have created this list for all those hardcore Dutch learners doing it on their own. The framework gives you the ability to structure your own study plan, while following a guide to at least ensure all the important topics are covered.

Fortunately, so many Dutch teachers and creators have already developed amazing online content that can help you learn Dutch. While it is my goal to one day do the same, I am not quite there yet!

Instead I have summarized my top recommendations for free online material you can use to teach yourself each one of these topics.

We all learn in different ways so hopefully you find the material that is best for you from this combination of written and video lessons.

Beginner (A0 – A1)

Verbs & pronouns
– Regular verbs in the present tense
– Irregular verbs (hebben, zijn) [to have, to be]
– Pronouns (ik, jij, hij, zij, het, u, wij, jullie, zij) [I, you, he, she, it, you (formal), we, you (plural), they]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The simple present
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Personal pronouns
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Werkwoorden: tegenwoordige tijd [Verbs: present tense]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Dutch personal pronouns
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Personal pronouns
πŸŽ₯ SociaTaal – Personal pronouns in Dutch
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Hebben & zijn
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Personal pronouns
Exceptions to the regular conjugation rules
– Verbs with a root ending in double identical consonant (e.g. willen [to want])
– Verbs with a root ending in consonant-vowel-consonant (e.g. kopen [to buy])
– Verbs with a root ending in β€˜z’ or β€˜v’ (e.g. reizen [to travel])
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Tegenwoordige tijd: onregelmatig [Present tense: irregular]
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – The root of Dutch verbs
πŸŽ₯ SociaTaal – Verb Stem in Dutch
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Conjugating verbs & spelling
Articles (1)
– De, het [the] introduction
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – De of Het?
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – De of Het
πŸ“– Learn Dutch with Bart de Pau – When is it DE or HET?
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – DE or HET? (1)
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – DE or HET? (2)
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – DE or HET? (3)
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – DE or HET? (4)
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – DE or HET? (5)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – DE or HET in Dutch: the CATEGORIES for DE and HET
Dutch alphabetπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Dutch alphabet with audio
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Bart de Pau – Learn Dutch Alphabet + Pronunciation
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch sounds & the alphabet
Spelling & pronunciation
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Spelling: lange en korte klanken [Spelling: long and short sounds]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Spelling and pronunciation chapter
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Dutch Spelling and Pronunciation
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Dutch Pronunciation and Spelling
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Bart de Pau – Learn Dutch Alphabet + Pronunciation
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch sounds & the alphabet
Simple Dutch sentence structure
– Word order with one verb
– Inversion (when starting with a condition of time or place)
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The Dutch word order
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Simple sentence
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Simple, very basic sentences
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – SentencesΒ Starting with Place, Time, Condition
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – SentencesΒ Starting withΒ Place, Time, Condition
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Inversie en woordvolgorde [Inversion and word order]
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Word order: The basics of building a sentence
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Inversion (of subject and verb)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – MAIN SENTENCES in DUTCH
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – Sentence building A1
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – Dutch Word Order – Inversion
Basic Dutch question word orderπŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Questions
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Question mode
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Vragen stellen [Asking questions]
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Asking questions
Er (1)
– Er as indefinite subject
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Extra β€˜er’ at the beginning of a sentence
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Er is, er zijnΒ (There is, there are)
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – How to use ER with indefinite subject in Dutch
Interrogative pronouns (question words)
– Wat, wie, waar, waarom, wanneer, welke, hoe, etc. [what, who, where, why, when, which, how, etc.]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Interrogative words
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Query words
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Query words
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch question words
Conjunctions (1)
– En, maar, dus, want, of [and, but, so, because, or]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Co-ordinating clause
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – DUTCH CONJUNCTION WORDS for MAIN SENTENCES: maar, dus, en, want & ofΒ 
Dutch sentence structure
– Word order with more than one verb
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The Dutch word order
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch word order
Modal verbs
– Kunnen, mogen, moeten, willen, hoeven, zullen [to be able to, to be allowed to, to have to/must, to want, to have to/must, will/shall]
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Modale werkwoorden [Modal verbs]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Kunnen, mogen, moeten, willen, zullen of zouden: het verschil
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – WILLEN & ZULLEN
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – MOETEN & MOGEN
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch MODAL VERBS
Plural (-en, -s, -’s)πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Plurals
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Plural nouns
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – PLURALS in DUTCH
– E.g. in, uit, aan, op, van, naar, met, voor, over, bij, etc. [in, out/out of/from, on/to, on, from/off, to, with, for, over/across, with/at, etc.]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Prepositions
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Prepositions
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Prepositions
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Prepositions (Voorzetsels)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – PREPOSITIONS in DUTCH
Possessive pronouns
– Mijn, jouw, zijn, haar, uw, onze/ons, jullie, hun [my, your, his, her, your (formal), our, your (plural), their]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Wanneer gebruiken we: me, m’n, je, z’n, β€˜t, ze, d’r, we, …? [When do we use: mine, your, his, it, they, her, we, …?]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Possessive pronouns
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Pronomen: 4 soorten die je moet kennen [Pronouns: 4 types you should know]
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS
πŸŽ₯ Tom Catches Up – Possessive Pronouns
Direct & indirect object
– Mij/me, jou/je, hem, haar, het, u, ons, jullie, hen/hun) [me, you, him, her, it, you (formal), us, you (plural), them]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Wanneer gebruiken we: me, m’n, je, z’n, β€˜t, ze, d’r, we, …? [When do we use: mine, your, his, it, they, her, we, …?]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Object pronouns
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Pronomen: 4 soorten die je moet kennen [Pronouns: 4 types you should know]
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Referring to things
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch PRONOUNS for OBJECTS
πŸŽ₯ Tom Catches Up – Object Pronouns
– Geen, niet [no, not]
– Niet for actions, geen for possession / indefinite objects
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Geen of niet? [No or not?]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Negating sentences
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Niet en geen [Not and no]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Negative Statements
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Negative Statements
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – NIET en GEEN: Learn Dutch NEGATION
πŸŽ₯ Dutch for n00bs – Dutch Negation – Nee, Niet and Geen
Demonstrative pronouns
– Deze, dit, die, dat [this, this, that, that]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Demonstrative Pronouns
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – β€˜Dit’ andΒ β€˜Dat’ as β€˜These’ and β€˜Those’
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – dit, deze, dieΒ = this, these, those
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Dit, dat, deze, die
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – When to use DIE, DEZE, DIT, DAT, HET or ER???
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – DEZE, DIE, DIT & DAT: demonstrative pronouns in Dutch
Present perfect
– Hebben or zijn [to have or to be]
– PP (present perfect) form for regular verbs (soft ketchup)
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – When to use the Perfect tense in Dutch (Het Perfectum)
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The present perfect
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – PERFECTUM in DUTCH: when to use HEBBEN or ZIJN?
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Sexy Softketchup
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – Dutch Past Tense – Perfectum (Regular)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – VTT (Past tense)
Exceptions to the PP form for regular verbs
– Irregular verbs
Strong verbs β€˜ge + infinitive’
– No ge-
πŸŽ₯ The Dutch Online Academy – Onregelmatig perfectum in het Nederlands [Irregular perfect tense in Dutch]

Elementary (A1 – A2)

Reflexive verbsπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Reflexive pronoun
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Lijst met reflexieve werkwoorden [List of reflexive verbs]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Reflexive verbs
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Reflexive verbs
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Using zich and zichzelf
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch REFLEXIVE VERBS & PRONOUNS
Om + te constructionsπŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – β€˜Te’ en β€˜om … te’
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – β€˜Te’ + infinitive
πŸŽ₯ The Dutch Online Academy – Adjectieven in combinatie met TE + INFINITIEFΒ  [Adjectives in combination with β€˜TE’ + INFINITE]
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Precise sentences with β€˜om te’
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – How to make sentences with β€œom…te + infinitive”
Simple past
– Form the simple past
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The simple past
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Imperfectum Nederlands [Past tense Dutch]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – The simple past
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – The simple past
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – OVT (the Simple Past tense)
Separable verbsπŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Wanneer is een werkwoord scheidbaar? [When is a verb separable?]
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Scheidbare werkwoorden: hoe je ze moet scheiden [Separable verbs: how to separate them]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Splitting Dutch Verbs
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Separable verbs: Present and past
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – SEPARABLE VERBS in Dutch! Scheidbare werkwoorden
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – Separable verbs in Dutch (Part 1)
πŸŽ₯ Clear Dutch Grammar – Separable verbs in Dutch (2) – Past
Adverbs + word order
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Adverbs and Adjectives
Articles (2)
– De, het [the] and their influence
– Determination of deze, die, dat, dit
– Determination of adjective spelling
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Adverbs and Adjectives
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Adjectieven: met of zonder e [Adjectives: with or without β€˜e’]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns
πŸŽ₯ SociaTaal – When to add an e? | Adjectives in Dutch
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Dit, dat, deze, die
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – When to use DIE, DEZE, DIT, DAT, HET or ER???
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – DEZE, DIE, DIT & DAT: demonstrative pronouns in Dutch
– Spelling rules for definite vs. indefinite objects
– Spelling rules exceptions
– Verbs ending in f > v, s > z, aa > a, etc.
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Adverbs and Adjectives
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Adjectieven: met of zonder e [Adjectives: with or without β€˜e’]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Adjectives, Adverbs and Nouns
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – ADJECTIVES in DUTCH: when do you add +E??? // Bijvoeglijk naamwoorden
Al, alles, allemaal, soms, sommigeπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Alles & iedereen (everything & everyone
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Al, alle, allen, allemaal (all)
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Sommige (some, β€˜certain’)
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Alles, iedereen, alle, elk, ieder, al of allemaal?
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Enkele, een paar, sommige, een beetje of wat
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – ALLEMAAL & IEDEREEN in Dutch: what’s the difference?
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Pas, maar, alleen: How to say β€˜only’?
Position words
– Zitten, staan, liggen, stoppen, doen, zetten, leggen
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – staan, liggen, zitten, hangen en lopen
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Positiewerkwoorden [Position verbs]
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Actiewerkwoorden bij positiewerkwoorden [Action verbs with position verbs]
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Learn ALL DIFFERENT WAYS to use the verbs ZITTEN, STAAN & LIGGEN
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Talking about the position of objects
Aan het constructionπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The β€˜aan het’ continuous
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – aan het + infinitief [β€˜aan het’ + infinitive]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – β€˜Aan het’ en positieΒ­werkΒ­woorden bij mensen [β€˜Aan het’ and position verbs with people]
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Say what’s going on using β€˜aan het’
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – The β€œAAN HET construction” in DUTCHΒ 
Future tense
– Zullen, gaan double infinities
– No zullen or gaan
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The simple future
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Using the simple future
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Praten over de toekomst (zullen) [Speaking about the future (β€˜zullen’)]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – The Future Tense
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – ZULLEN & GAAN for the future tense in Dutch
ImperativeπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The imperative
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Imperative [Imperative]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Commands, Recommendations and Suggestions: The Imperative
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – Commands, Orders and Suggestions (The Imperative)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch STAMPPOT and the IMPERATIVE

Intermediate (A2 – B1)

LatenπŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Werkwoorden met laten [Verbs with β€˜laten’]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – Dutch VerbΒ LatenΒ (to β€˜let,’ to allow etc.)Β 
Conjunctions + subclause word order
– Omdat, doordat, zodat, totdat, voordat, nadat, alsof, als, of, zoals, hoewel, terwijl, toen, sinds, die
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Types of clauses
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The subordinate clause
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Subordinating conjunctions
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Conjuncties en woordvolgorde [Conjunctions and word order]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Nadat, daarna, doordat, omdat en daarom
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – SUBORDINATE CLAUSES in DUTCH // Nederlandse bijzinnen
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – How to use these Dutch CONJUNCTION WORDS in subordinate clauses?
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – DUTCH CONJUNCTION WORDS for TIME in bijzinnen/subordinate clauses
Relative subclause
– Waar, wat
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The relative clause
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch RELATIVE PRONOUNS & RELATIVE CLAUSES // relatieve bijzinnen
Er (2)
– Daar/hier
Er (3)
– Er + preposition
Er (4)
– Replacing β€˜het’ 
Er (5)
– Quantity
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Hoe werkt β€˜er’? [How does β€˜er’ work?]
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Er: unstressed β€˜daar’
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – ”Er” replacing β€˜het’/’hem’ (it) or β€˜ze’ (plural β€˜it’)
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – ”Er(van)” in the sense of β€œof it” or β€œof them”
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – β€˜er’ = β€˜there,’ β€˜around’ – in this/that place
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – β€˜er’ (with preposition) = β€˜it’
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – How to use ER in DUTCH (1)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – How to use ER in DUTCH (2)
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Niels – Er + Preposition
Passive form
– Er without subject
– Er with subject
– Passive sentence + door
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Het passief [The passive form]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Het passief: de complexere vormen [The passive form: the more complex forms]
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Passieve Zinnen [Passive Sentences]
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (mobile) – The Passive Voice
πŸ“– Hear Dutch Here (desktop) – The Passive Voice
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – PASSIVE SENTENCES IN DUTCH // Passieve zinnen
Present participleπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The present participle
– Politeness
– Wish/desire
– Advice
– Imaginary situation
– Probability
– Uncertain information
– Initial plan
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Using the conditional
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Hoe gebruik je ZOU? [How do you use β€˜ZOU’]
πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Kunnen, mogen, moeten, willen, zullen of zouden: het verschil
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – ZOUDEN + other modal verbs. How to say β€œshould”, β€œwould” and β€œcould” in DUTCH?
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – ZOUDEN in Dutch // How to use it and what’s the difference with ZULLEN?
Past perfect
– Soft/polite
– Imaginary situation
– Regret
πŸ“– Dutch Grammar – The pluperfect
πŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Plusquam-perfectum

Upper Intermediate (B1 – B2)

Verbs with a fixed prepositionπŸ“– Dutch Grammar – Verbs and prepositions
πŸŽ₯ Learn Dutch with Kim – Dutch Verbs with Prepositions
πŸŽ₯ The Dutch Online Academy – Verbs with fixed prepositions
πŸŽ₯ The Dutch Online Academy – Fixed Prepositions Dutch – Phrasal Verbs Dutch
Verbs with a fixed preposition as a questionπŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Hoe je waar + prepositie kunt gebruiken [How you use β€˜waar’ + preposition]
The past tense with multiple verbsπŸ“– The Dutch Online Academy – Double infinitive
Word order of a sentence with word groups (tangconstructies)πŸ“– Zichtbaar Nederlands – Tangconstructies

Is there an important topic or resource that I’m missing? Leave a comment and let me know what other Dutch topics or links belong on the list!

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