Where to find daily Dutch reading practice material (including 50+ links)

My most popular post since starting this blog is Dutch reading material for beginners: 19 different online ideas.

It’s also one of my very first posts.

The reason I wrote it immediately after starting this website is because I myself struggled to find engaging, level-appropriate practice material online.

I know people are constantly searching for content to help them learn Dutch and pick up new vocabulary.

That has convinced me to put together yet another list of ways to incorporate Dutch reading into your everyday routine.


News pieces are easily accessible but can be challenging for a beginner.

News aimed at kids is great if you’re just starting out — and it’ll keep you up to speed on the latest current events in the Netherlands and world.

Online newspapers

Reading the news is always a great, free way to practice reading in Dutch. Choose articles about topics which you are familiar with for the best chance of understanding the text.

News apps

I personally find news apps even more mobile friendly than the traditional websites — and I’m more likely to browse headlines through the app than on the website itself.

You can also save articles which is very handy for referring to vocabulary later.

News for kids

Dutch broadcaster NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) and Kidsweek both have a dedicated news feed for kids. Being targeted for 7-12 year olds, these are perfect for a beginner!

Books & literature

De Bibliotheek

De Bibliotheek website is filled with short articles on hundreds of topics of varying reading levels.

For less than € 50 per year you can also get an online membership which gives you access to Dutch e-books and magazines for your reading pleasure.

Borrowing physical books from the library is also a great way to get practice material if you have the means to do so.


Volkskrant in particular has a huge assortment of columns and other types of articles — so you’re bound to find something to read that interests you.

Culture & media, food & drink, travel, photography, and science are just a few of the categories where articles and columns can be found.

Childhood stories

This website features plenty of short stories for kids and beginners. Their premise is that you can learn your target language by reading short stories daily, as we perhaps did in childhood with our native language.

Another website I’ve mentioned in another post has over 30 short stories written by Joop Bruins which were previously published as bedtime stories in his local newspaper (aimed primarily at 3-8 year olds). Each short story also includes audio.

Social media


Follow Dutch-speaking accounts and creators that post stories and photo captions in Dutch.

Check out my post for ideas on who to follow:


Follow subreddits which allow posting in Dutch. You’ll be able to read through topics and comments/threads.

I’ll only list a few here but there are also subreddits for most major cities, and related subreddits are usually linked within.


Did you know that Pinterest can be used as a search engine to find websites in Dutch?

For instance, want to find a Dutch recipe to follow? Type the dish into Pinterest in Dutch (e.g. “pannekoeken”) and you’ll see plenty of links to websites with recipes for pancakes.


Follow Dutch accounts so that Dutch tweets also show in your daily Twitter feed.

Some ideas:

Of course it’s good to keep in mind with the social media options that posts (particularly Reddit threads and comments) are made by everyday people and are therefore subject to human error. When in doubt, check Google or your Dutch-English dictionary for spelling.

Blogs & magazines

Online magazines

Blogs and magazines have regularly updated content so you always have fresh articles to keep you busy with your reading practice.

Some ideas:

City blogs

Most major cities also have a blog/magazine website where you can read up on current events and find guides on things to do and see.


These websites fall more into the “just for fun” or entertainment category, and hopefully give you a laugh in addition to some new vocabulary.

Kids magazines

Websites like this one link to various (external) articles written for a young audience.

Among other topics, you’ll find reading tips and book reviews, so you know what to reserve next at your local library.


Naturally I have to reference the material available on my website 😉

When I started learning Dutch, I was sad to find out that the Duolingo course was not developed enough to include short stories (as you have in the Spanish from English course for instance).

That is one of the reasons I started writing my own short excerpts in Dutch on this website — as I found this to be lacking in the free material available online.

For now these are at the beginner or intermediate level and cover typical Dutch topics followed by English translation.

See the latest beginner posts:

Or the latest intermediate posts:


And there you have my list of where to find daily Dutch reading practice material in 2022!

I hope it serves as a good jumping off point into finding more material that you love, and can incorporate into your daily practice.

After all, consistency is key if you want to improve in your target language. Making learning Dutch a daily practice will therefore help you reach your goals.

Do you have another way of practicing your Dutch reading that’s not on the list? Leave a comment and let me know what should be included in the next list!

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